This is a model essay on the topic, read it, look up any words you don't understand and see how it is organized (introduction, body - two different paragraphs - and conclusion).

Who doesn’t have a mobile phone these days? The fact is they seem to be everywhere. However, while mobile phones certainly have many supporters, there are also people who have reservations about them.

Those who are in favour of mobile phones claim that they make communication an immediate process and people no longer need to wait until they find an ordinary phone when they need to make an urgent phone call. Moreover, they also point out that a mobile phone can be a life-saver in the case of an emergency. Finally, parents feel much more secure when they know that, thanks to mobile phones, they can contact their children whenever they want.

On the other hand, those who are against mobile phones state the fact that much research must still be carried out in order to prove decisively that mobile phones do not damage your health. Another disadvantage is the way that mobile phones are destroying our social life. How many times have you had to stop a conversation so that your partner can answer his or her mobile phone? Not to mention the disturbances they cause at concerts and theatre performances.

In conclusion, although there are two sides to a coin, I believe that mobile phones generally do improve the quality of our life. In my opinion, even if only one life has been saved thanks to a mobile phone, they have justified their existence.


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