Guy Fawkes' Night or Bonfire Night

Guy Fawkes' Night or Bonfire Night is celebrated on the 5th of November. This is a British festivity.
In November 1605, the Gunpowder plot took place. In it, some catholics plotted to blow up the English Parliament and King James I on the day set for the king to open Parliament. The men were angry because the king had treated them very badly and they didn't like it.
Ever since that day, the British have celebrated Guy Fawkes' Night. Today, young people in Britain make a Guy with old clothes and fill him with newspaper. Then they go round the streets with the Guy and ask for "a penny for the Guy". With this money they buy fireworks and make bonfires to burn the Guy.
Here is a very famous rhyme about Guy Fawkes:
"Remember, remember
The fifth of November.
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why gunpowder and treason
Should ever be forgot"


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